Sunlight U Coming December 2020.Beta Tester Interest List is Now Open!


Sunlight U

Sunlight U will be here this fall! Beta Tester sign-ups are now open!

After completing a master's in Social Innovation at USD’s Kroc School  and winning seed funding in three-pitch competitions this past year-we recorded Sunlight U August 7-10th in San Diego with trauma specialist Dr. Shiva Ghaed, to bring the science of trauma online so that trauma survivors can learn and heal and grow with privacy, 24/7 anywhere in the world. We partnered with POC-owned production Future's Past at the radically inclusive You Belong Here in North Park. I could not have asked for more trauma-informed, inclusive partners.

I created Sunlight Retreats Foundation specifically for rape survivors and now Sunlight U can help those struggling who are looking to move forward after trauma, using science and interactive activities that are easy to understand and process. Please share Sunlight U with anyone who might benefit, we want survivors to be empowered with tools and education and realize that they are not alone and Sunlight U can help them build a new normal.

A special thanks to Ron and Alexis Fowler, the USD CPC, The Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge, Mission Edge, Kacie Brennell, Silvia Mah, Juliet Zimmer, Priya Kannan-Narsamhan, Lu Hannessian, and Abby Berk, Dr. Catherine Austin, The BRINK, and Dr. Larry Kirk  

brittany Kirk