Sunlight Spotlight: Muna Ahmed

Muna Ahmed Image Credit: Jaida Grey Eagle | Sahan Journal

Muna Ahmed Image Credit: Jaida Grey Eagle | Sahan Journal

This last Tuesday, June 16, Muna Ahmed symbolized a ray of sunshine in the Somalian community of Minnesota. After multiple threads on Twitter, Muna publicly addressed an incident involving sexual violence from years past. She expected shame and disappointment, but was met with encouragement and positivity. One user on Twitter commented “Muna, you started a movement!! I’m from Minnesota too... Let me know if you need any help and resources. Sending you love and support.”

Muna Ahmed, a 23 year old survivor, recognized that her fear flourished in silence and was not going to let it anymore. With the help and support from social media, Muna became a voice for many survivors, especially young girls, that have not found theirs yet. Over 4,000 survivors, many of them being women that were also brought up in cultures where topics like sexual violence were taboo, thanked her for spreading awareness along with opening up a space for healing. Like many of you, Muna Ahmed is a strong light to our community!

Muna’s Instagram: @munaisms

Ibrahim, M.M. Sahan Journal.

Mikayla Acosta